Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Slavery Where Is Your Dignity. Slavery Is Known As One

Slavery: Where Is Your Dignity? Slavery is known as one of the most inhumane, callous and unjust practices throughout history. A powerful picture of Solomon Northup tells the story of a once respected individual to a man who had been crippled by slavery in the trailer 12 Years A Slave. Steve McQueen s trailer exposes slavery in its rawest form. McQueen appeals ethically, emotionally, and logically through music, strong voice-overs, color contrast, and character expressions to convey his belief that slavery devalues a person and their dignity. Pathos is the main rhetorical appeal in McQueen’s trailer. He crafts each scene to create an emotion. Happiness and freedom are prominent in the beginning of the trailer. McQueen displays specific†¦show more content†¦McQueen’s pathos develops the fear of losing one’s dignity due to enslavement. The ethos in the movie trailer is clear in the beginning as the marks of credible movie production companies flash across the screen. The trailer shows the audience short clips of famous producers such as Fox Searchlight Pictures, Regency, and River Road Entertainment to accredit their film. Stauffer writes in his essay 12 Years Between Life and Death that the director Steve McQueen did not originally know about the book that 12 Years is based on. â€Å"He sought not a traditional slave narrative, in which the protagonist is born into slavery, but a free man who becomes a slave, to contrast the condition of freedom with that of slavery† (Stauffer 321). With the idea of this movie, McQueen wanted to display slavery without the Hollywood exaggeration. He discovered the true autobiography of Solomon Northup and began his adventure in creating the movie. McQueen is famous for his blunt approach to touchy topics. â€Å"As with McQueen’s previous films Hunger (2008) and Sham e (2011), 12 Years a Slave discomforts the viewer—but then the depiction of slavery is not supposed to feel good† (Thaggert 333). With credibility and respect earned, viewers can be assured McQueen is not providing a trailer full of accidents. Each detail is placed specifically through ethos to give the audience an insight to the loss of humanity when in slavery.Show MoreRelatedDefinition of Slavery1439 Words   |  6 PagesDefinition of Slavery The issue of slavery has been debated since its early inception. In recent times, there has been considerable debate as to the definition of slavery. Western scholars have attempted to justify slavery of the New World by comparing it to the slavery that existed in Biblical times as well as Greco-Roman and African slavery. Some argue that there can be no international definition of slavery. Others try to define by a few words that apply to every instance of slavery. The onlyRead MoreAnalysis Of Langston Hughes Writing1696 Words   |  7 Pagescolor of their skin. Through their writing they have shared what it meant to be black in a time of oppression and segregation. 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