Thursday, May 21, 2020

Indian Culture And Its Impact On Society - 1412 Words

India is country known all over the world for its culture and tradition. It is a land with various cultures and traditions which are as vast as the subcontinent upon which they are located. This essay will focus on the Indian culture and highlight the different beliefs that Indians have on life processes. The essay will show the different methods Indians use to stay healthy and how the Indian culture can determine how healthcare services are provided to the people. India is a nation of many different individuals, each with their own beliefs and way of life. The different beliefs that are held by these people and the traditions they follow can have a significant impact on how they view modern healthcare. The beliefs and moral values which are a part of human nature can have positive impacts on an individual, but can also bind them and cause negative impacts on mental and physical health (Worthington Gogne, 2011). It is necessary for health professionals to be aware of the cultural beliefs and influences so that they can effectively provide healthcare services. A lack of cultural competence in care leads to poor patient outcomes, low compliance, and higher disparities regardless of the services and systems available (Diversity Cultural Competency in Health Care Settings). Depending on an individual’s culture, the way in which one perceives life processes differs greatly. For Indians their culture plays a large role in how they perceive these things. Being a nation withShow MoreRelatedWestern Culture And Indian Culture1604 Words   |  7 Pagesglobal world is full of dominant cultures that infiltrate their ascendancy into many of the world’s countries in a conscious and subconscious manner. An example of this cultural dominance can be seen in the bidirectional influence that Western Culture and the Indian culture portray onto one another. 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